Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Game Night Friday, Oct. 17: Uta says...

As we travelled through the cavernous dungeons below the lair of the woman with snakes growing out of her head, we came to a place submerged under water. There was a boat on some steps, and we explored several halls leading from the main cavern. A large portico with runes led to an open space and then there was sunlight. Maximillian used his magiks and floated around to see where the opening to the outside led. In our scouting of Entsworth (sp?) Hill, there had not been an opening that we had found that resembled this opening.

Max reported that it was warm and green outside, and that we seemed to be on an island in the middle of a lake. Again, there had been no lake this close the Hill when we had scouted it.

Darg ferried the group in 2's and 3's to this exit from the submerged steps of the great hall. He stayed with the boat and Norin stayed back on the stairs.

Fergus, Argus, Max, Rak and I set out to explore the island and to see if we could recognize where we were. We found a rotting head on a skinned tree, and then I saw a figure moving through the trees. We went towards where it was last seen, and came upon a group of humanoids that seemed to be covered in lizard-skin....Max called them lizardmen. To me, they looked a bit like the snake-woman, except there were snakes growing out of their heads.

The lizardmen had weapons and prepared to attack and Max fired a spell that exploded and burned the creatures. Rak found one still alive and stabilized it, perhaps to question it. A group of 4 or 5 creatures burst out of hiding and ran away down the path...much too fast for our non-swamp-dwelling legs. The halfling said he was able to keep up for a bit, but it is hard to tell whether he is telling the truth.

Max kept studying the map we had found on the snake-woman. I appropriated the coins from the lizardmen and noticed there seemed to be few from Caldos and many from other continents. After Max saw the lizardmen and the coins, he finally recognized the map could be a portion of the kingdom (continent? whatever) of Omkassar (sp?).

According to Max this meant we weren't in Caldos anymore. As a group, we made our way back to the opening in the wall of the dungeon, to make camp for the night. Max examined the large portico and it's runes and he told us it might be a portal that transported us from Caldos to Omkassar.