Thursday, April 14, 2016

Shadowrun recap

 Shadowrun recap

We have played a few times since the last recap, so I will try to summarize briefly.

As we drove to our meet, we realized that we were being followed by an air spirit in astral space. I commanded my air spirit to go back and tangle with it. That was the last service it owed me; it beat the other air spirit in combat and, its duties fulfilled, vanished.

We met our Johnson in the Redmond Barrens, and delivered the briefcase, as well as the unconscious professor. Our mysterious, highly magical employer didn't really like the fact that we had knocked the professor unconscious, but he assensed him and was satisfied that he was healthy and unharmed. He paid us the full amount, plus a healthy bonus, and then we left.

We spent some time discussing purchases, skill advancement, and finding a group hideout. My troll shaman, Bingo, upgraded his lifestyle from Squatter to Low, got another fake identity, and an apartment at the edge of downtown Puyallup. About a month passed…

…Then we backtracked, after we realized that there was a lead that we wanted to play out. Chronologically, we regressed a few weeks, so that we were again just a couple of days after the UW run.

That one racist decker that had a lot of enemies and out of whom members of our team had extracted information? About our Mitsuhama run? Well, Kryptek had info from him about his dross. Since our team had "disappeared" that decker, we knew he wouldn't be needing his stuff any more, so we decided to roll around and take a look before someone else got to it.

His dross was at Bob's Repair Shop on the Puyallup border, a grade D district controlled by a street gang called FMoM (the MoM stands for Mothers of Metahumans, and the F stands for you-can-guess.) When we pulled up the the strip mall that housed Bob's Repair Shop, there were bikers in front, and they immediately saw Bingo on his bike (his new bike! I just bought that, too.) They reached for their weapons, so we opened up. Before they got off a shot, we hit them with a ball lightning spell and gunfire. Slider ran over one with his car. Two were killed; the remaining one was unconscious.

With Kryptek's boosted data from the decker, we broke into the building, and hid the gangers and their bikes in the garage area. The surviving ganger was tied up.

We rooted around and found more pay data, lots of anti-metahuman stuff, weapons, etc. The decker's living area was on a magically warded 2nd floor. No one else was there.

Our next game session started with everyone rolling a d6. Bingo rolled a 1, and the GM informed me that I had stepped out the front door just in time to see—and be seen by—a group of FMoM gangers rolling up, ready for a fight.

And a fight we did. It turned out there was something ugly with them in astral space: someone who appeared to be a toxic shaman, with a toxic spirit. As the gun battle erupted, Canoti and Agave got to the roof just in time for the huge toxic spirit to manifest.

Guns were fired, spells were hurled, and grenades were lobbed. Canoti and Agave took out the spirit with physical weapons and managed to avoid the spirit's toxic attack. Bingo went astral and plowed into the toxic shaman, dealing some amount of damage—but I don't know how much. The shaman slugged back and gave Bingo four boxes of damage before fleeing. The six gangers were all down--dead or dying.

We dragged the gangers around the side of the building. A short time later they, as well as the captured ganger in the garage, magically dissolved into green goo, leaving behind some kind of central lump that so far none of us has wanted to touch or inspect. Ugh.

My org gang contact, Mercurial, told me that FMoM makes their headquarters in an old bowling alley. This place we are is sort of outside their territory. FMoM is a fairly new arrival; they recently plowed in with lots of weapons and took territory from two other gangs (one called The Firemen, and the other an elven gang called Tal'Sir'An, who were affiliated with The Ancients). FMoM successfully fought off an counter attack by The Ancients. Tal'Sir'An are gone, and few remaining Firemen are subservient to FMoM.

I want to clear out of Bob's Repair Shop, but apparently there is a lot of good data hidden on the servers there, and it will take a while—days?—to extract it. So now we must decide our next course of action. Do we go pure defense while we loot? Do we clear out ASAP? Should we go on offense and try to take out whoever—or whatever—is holed up in the bowling alley?