Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Background info: Caldos Encyclopedia listing: The Searing


The Searing

            Seven-hundred sixty years ago, the Omkessari Empire found a way to enslave the dragons. Six-hundred years ago, the dragons became free of their servitude.  They immediately turned on their masters, and in one burning day the palaces and towers of Omkessar were smoking ruins.  They royal lines of Omkessar were stamped out, and the dragons carried their wrath to all the peoples of the northern lands, laying waste to cities, towns, and villages from Thanos to Qatar, from Haran-Gul to Ylestir.  For weeks the skies of Therra were dark with smoke and the countryside was swept by flames.  In the end, the dragons looted or destroyed the glories of Omkessar. Many dragons lingered for years, hunting survivors in the ruins and forests: In the words of the bard Taskew, "In one day we all were beaten, thence were cooked, thence were eaten."  Eventually, after some years, most dragons returned to Naranthor. Some remained, however, sitting on heaps of treasure that had once been their masters'.
            The destruction was so complete that most of the knowledge and artifacts of Omkessar were lost to the world during this event, which is called The Searing.  This loss of knowledge has made the age of Omkessar mysterious.

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