Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Map key for Ensley Keep

Here is the map key for the keep. I will try to locate a post the actual map next.


Ensley Keep

            Ensley Keep lies on the east shore of the Arrowmere, on a small piece of land that juts northward out into the lake.  The shore here is rocky, and Ensley Keep is atop a low stony ledge right next to the lake, 20 feet above the water.
            The keep was originally occupied by Corran Enley for almost 20 years before he died when the keep was attacked by alienist enemies.  The keep has now stood empty for 35 years.
            Ensley Keep is surrounded by elm and sycamore trees.  The walls are covered in vines, and there is actually grass and small bushes growing atop the walls.

Level I
Level I is generally 20’ tall, with high arched rooms and wooden beams in the ceilings.  The construction is skilled and solid, and most of the wood is still in decent shape, though neglect has weakened it enough that a lot of violence to the structure may cause minor collapses.

1.      This heavy iron gate is still locked shut, and the locking mechanism is so badly rusted that trying to pick it is obviously a waste of time. The doorless entrance to the keep is 40 feet beyond. Trees and brush grow heavy in the courtyard.
2.      The overgrown courtyard, with some fairly large trees.
3.      Former Smithy.  It was 10’ tall.  The wooden door is rotten and half-open, the shutters on the window hang open, the wooden roof has fallen in.  Inside is a jumble of vines, rotten wood, and rubble.  Anyone in the W half of the bailey will notice a sweet floral scent. This comes from the yellow musk creeper that grows in the SE corner of the smithy.  Additionally, anyone making noise at all in the courtyard will bring fourth the three yellow musk zombies (former bugbears and goblins), who will charge.
Yellow Musk Zombies:
Bugbear HP 17                       a.c. 16 (leather, shield, natural)
Bugbear HP 15                 both morningstar +2, damage 1d8+2, move 30
Goblin  HP 11                         morningstar 1d8-1 (ac 14, size, studded leather)

The creeper will attach anyone within 10 feet with a pollen puff (+4 melee). It has 15 hp and an AC of 15.
Around the base of the creeper, among bones, is a rotted leather pouch with 1,100 copper pieces, a masterwork heavy flail, a dwarven urgosh, and two flasks of alchemist’s fire, labeled in common. There are also two red-brown carnelian stones worth 50 gp each.
All of these items are entangled in the rubble on the floor.  A Search roll of 16 each round will find one item, and 20 will find them all.

4.      Here, the wall of the keep has been smashed in, and the stony rubble is full of vines and grass.  Wafting up from the entrance is the faint, sweet smell of a yellow musk creeper.
Anyone within 50 feet of this opening will be attacked by 4 yellow musk zombies:
Human:     HP 11  AC 13 (studded), dmg 1d8 (longsword)
     Goblins       HP 10  Ac 14 (size, studded) damg 1d8-1 (morningstars)
                        HP 10
                        HP 10
The yellow musk creeper here has 15 hp and an AC of 15.
At its base is the skeleton of a human in rusted chain, a moldy backpack with 346 gp, a set of thieve’s tools, and two bottles of wine, sealed.

5.      The Great Hall. The middle of the hall is full of fallen stone and timber from the collapsed wall, and the opposite door has been knocked in.
There is a huge fireplace flanked by pillars leading up to arches, and carved into the pillars and across from the mantle are scenes of fish, mermen and mermaids, octopi, and sailing ships.

6.      The Kitchen.  The door leading here is missing. There is an old oven, and smashed crockery and rusted pans on the floor. Giant rats will flee through a hole in the wall to area 7.  6 dire rats:  HP 5 each, AC 15, bite +4 melee, damage 1d4, special attack disease (save fort DC 12)
7.      The door here is stuck shut.  Inside mold grows in old jars and on the shelves. This looks like a place where flour, grain, oils, etc. were stored.
8.      The large wooden table has collapsed, and been gnawed up by rats. Broken chairs lay around.
9.      There are some bones and a broken shield on the floor.  The bones are not human, and look like they belonged to something large. The stairway leading up it made of stone.  In a cubbyhole below the stairs is a wooden pale.
10.  The N door is stuck, but will fall off the hinges on an open doors DC roll of 12.
Inside the room is a moldy heap of rotten, scorched cloth and wood (the old remains of a sofa) and several broken chairs.  The shredded remains of a tapestry hand from the W. wall, the image unrecognizeable. Most of the cloth is gone.
The fireplace has old ashes and and iron log holder, and mantle is carved limestone depicting life-sized, snarling and howling wolf heads.
      The wolf heads are beautifully sculpted, though most are chipped and damaged. In the southmost wolf’s mouth is a hidden compartment: and illusionary wall has been created in the back of the mouth, concealing a 6”x6” x10”deep recess with a small silver key.
      This opening is trapped: a search roll of 20 will reveal it. Otherwise, someone sticking their hand in the back of the wolf’s mouth without using his other hand to depress one of the canines will be struck by a spring-loaded blade that does 1d4 points of damage (it used to have poison on it, but it has long since worn away.) Immediately, an illusion will come into effect—all the wolf heads will snarl and howl and snap for 1 round. Disarm DC roll for trap: 20
      The handle of the key is fashioned in the shape of a leaping wolf.
      The S. door is missing.
11.  Broken pieces of wood and shreds of cloth that are the remains of beds, chairs, stools, tables, and beds.
12.  Against the wall are three broken barrels with oily residue, and stacked in front of them is a bunch of cut wood, as well as old rotten furniture bits. These were put here a year ago by the expedition from Memgaria. Anyone disturbing the pile will bring out four dire rats (HP 5 each, AC 15, bite +4 melee, damage 1d4, special attack disease [save fort DC 12])
13.  The entrance to the gatehouse is nearly hidden hidden in ivy and creepers. Bats roost in the rafters.
14.  The door into the tower opens under the stone stairs leading upward to level II. A 6’ wide stone pillar supports the stone ceiling, and there are no other doors or entrances.
This room was used as an armory, and there are still numerous pegs and racks hanging on the walls.  In the dust on the floor are arrowheads (rusted), a few broken blades, and a dented helmet.

Level II

15.  The staircase from the first level comes through the floor.  A rickety, rotten wooden staircase, enclosed by wood, ascends from the center of the room to a stone trap door.
Arrow slits with rusted iron shutters line the wall. The door to 16 is shut.

16.  Hall, passage
  1. In this room are remains of a cot and a smashed chest, both covered in brown mold. The mold is harmless.  At point a., there is a small keyhole hidden in a recess at ankle level, hidden by an illusionary wall. (DC 25 to find.) The wolf-key from room 10 fits here, and turning it will open the secret panel at b.
  2. The secret door here is 4’x4’ and opens in the center of the wall, 3’off the floor.  Inside is a 5’x5’ shaft leading downward, with iron rungs. A reddish light comes up from below.  (see the text at the end: Treasure Vault)

17.  A stone staircase leads to a trap door in the roof.  The E side of this room has fallen to the floor below, so that people here can see into the Great Hall (area 5). Most of the floor is unstable; anyone walking on the area within the dotted  the dotted line will cause the stones to give way on a roll of 2 in 20, +1 per every ten pounds they weigh over 100. A reflex save of 20 will allow them to jump clear.
If someone falls through the floor, they will take 2d6 points of damage.
Roll to see if they fall through each round they are in the hazard zone.

18.  Short Hall.  A dead giant rat, drained of blood to huskness, is on the floor.
19.  A wobbly but still-intact table of dark wood stands in the center of the room, and several intact chairs are here.  The fireplace in the corner has a limestone mantle carved with ivy, and resting upon it are several empty bottles and mugs.
The bones of a severed hand are under the table. This hand belonged to the farmer who was captured and tortured by the Memgarians.
In the fireplace are charred scraps, including the charred edge of a map, showing what appears to by some tunnel maps and the word “Venswort”.

20. At one time this was a large bedroom, but now there is a carpet of mildew dotted with white stirge droppings.  The stirges here sleep in a bunch on the ceiling, near the fireplace.
            Stirges x 4, 5 HP each, Init +4, Speed 10/40, AC 16, Damage 1 + Con drain. When they latch on a touch attack, they drain 1d4 points of Con each round until they get to 4 points, then fly away to digest. When attached, they have an AC 0f 12.
20 a. bones of human.
20 b. Moldy robes hand from pegs, and behind them is a quiver with 9 masterwork arrows.

21.  Doors stuck shut (DC 20 to open). This room is fairly clean and has a stone shelf on the N wall, and 2 barrels of stagnant water.
22.  Top of this wall, about 20 feet tall, has numerous plants growing on it.  The walls are crenelated. The inside of the wall has an iron railing that is untrustworthy.
23.  This “porch” area is surrounded by the same crennelations as the wall, and a large portion of it has collapsed.

Level III

On this level, the roof is about 35 feet up.  The floor is flagstone, and fairly sturdy. Waterspouts carved are placed in the corners.

24.  The roof of the tower is actually about 40’ up, and there is a gfeat view of the lake and Ravencall.
25.  5’ high stone wall surrounds this area, capped by a very dilapeitdated clay shingle roof, full of holes.  Three support beams run the lengths, and 200 swallows make their homes here.

Level D: Dungeon

26. The stairway from 8 leads down to circular room 29. Ignore the map for now.
29. A spring feeds into the Arrowmere below the keep, and the pool here is about 20’ across and 8’ deep, and quite cold. The bottom is rocky and gravely. Nothing of value lies here.
30. The door to this room  is stuck (DC 12). Beyond are wooden shelves and broken glass, and the smell of stale alcohol (beer and wine) is fairly strong. The wood of the shelves is gnawed, and there are rat droppings.

The Vault: Area 31
A “permanent image” spell is cast on this area. There is a shaft leading down from the secret door on level II with iron handholds in the wall, and the shaft itself is about 5’ wide.
            The room below is illuminated by a red light, the result of wooden torch that has a “continual flame” spell placed on it, and which has been covered by a heavy red glass glove, on the wall of the room below.
            The moment someone starts to descend the ladder, there will be a low, drawn out growl below, thanks to a “magic mouth” spell devised to frighten intruders.  The room looks to be completely flooded, with only about a foot between the ceiling and the water (making this totally illusory water seem to be 8’ deep.) The red light shimmers in this murky water.
            The room is, in fact, completely dry.
            There are five wooden chests against the wall. Three are open and empty; the two east-most chests, under the sconce, are closed and locked.
            a. Moving or trying to open this chest will cause a three spring-released spears to fire from the west wall (CR 2; +12 ranged; 1d8 x 3 crit; Search DC 20, Disable Device DC 20.) Anyone in the 10’ area of the north side of the room may be struck. Inside this chest is:
n  a very fine looking long-sword in a leather scabbard, with a note fastened to the pommel with wax. Anyone looking at the note will see the word “Surprise” in common, and will trigger a sepia snake sigil.  (DC 14 reflex save negates.) Victims are held suspended for 1d4+1 days. The sword is Flame Tongue: upon will, the sword ignites, and will do +1d6 points of damage per strike due to fire. It is +1 normally. On a critical hit, the weapon does +1d10 points of fire damage in a flaming burst. There are rubies set in the hilt, and the steel has a reddish tinge. Inscribed in the blade are the words, in Draconic, Defegnyil Nordem ves Endropem Pittis “Defend All From Darkest Chaos.”
n  Two leather bags with 100 gp each
  1. Inside this chest is:
n  a scroll case with two scrolls: “Shield” at first level , and “levitate” at fourth level.
n  A leather pouch with ten pieces of obsidian, each worth 10 g.p.
n  A larger leather bag containing 300 c.p.

Longsword +4, grants protection from fire,

HP 4 each

Initiative +4, speed 30, AC 15, attacks: morningstar +1, javelin +3 ranged
Damage: morningstar 1d8-1, javelin 1d6-1
Feat: alertness

Have 2d6 cp each and 1d8-4 s.p. each

1 comment:

Mark said...

The fireplace grate from room 20 was taken by Darg and became a permanent part of his gear.