Monday, November 2, 2015

Two Shadowrun game nights - a recap.

Shadowrun recap of two separate game nights

Oct. 10, 2015 (Paul, Aaron, and I were the only ones able to make it to this game night.)

Well, a couple of days later we got a call from our fixer asking if we wanted to meet a potential employer at a nice café in Bellevue. Sure, we said.

Gumball the rigger picked up Bingo in a van, and we got to the café with Canoti.  Kryptek hacked into our commlinks and attended the meet virtually.  It was a busy lunch hour, and inside we found our Mr. Johnson.  He was a fashionably dressed Amerind.  After some discussion, we agreed to the terms:  he would pay our team 6500 nuyen each if we stole data from a traveling exhibit that had arrived at UW.

It appeared that this exhibit had something to do with ancient artifacts and display materials, but there was some sort of data associated with it that our Mr. Johnson wanted.  We had a week to get this done, he said.

Just as our Johnson got up to leave, we heard the squeal of tires out front.  Through the large plate glass window, we saw a van screech to a halt.  Two men with assault rifles hopped out and started firing up and down the street.  Canoti lept from his seat and made it to the front door, and Bingo was preparing to cast a spell, but before we could do anything else another figure popped up from the other side of the van and fired a missile launcher right into the restaurant window.

The resulting explosion blew the interior of the restaurant to bits.  Canoti, at the front door, was thrown out into the street, relatively unhurt.  Bingo the troll was knocked to the floor and injured, but not seriously.  But our rigger, Gumball, took the full force of the blast (a glitch was rolled; a point of Edge took that away, but it was still a bad deal—Gumball took a whopping 19 boxes of damage).

Bingo looked up to see our Mr. Johnson on his feet, unscathed—bit annoyed.  He simply said, “Now I’m angry,” and caused to van to explode into a fireball with a wave of his hand.  The three attackers were killed.  Then Mr. Johnson looked down at Bingo and said, “I expect to hear from you soon,” then disappeared.

The restaurant was scorched, partially on fire, and awash in blood and body parts.  He looked for Gumball and only found his arm.  Realizing they were in a badly compromised position (shadowrunners don’t fare well when they face police questioning at the scene of a big explosion in a nice part of town), Bingo and Canoti set out on foot to escape the area. (Bingo, regarding Gumball: “Well, there goes my ride home.”)

As we fled on foot, Kryptek – who was trying to piece together from us what happened—hacked into Gumball’s van and had it come after us to pick us up, which it did.  While this was occurring, we became aware of another event over local news feeds: the 34th-36th floors of Colton Towers (which we had infiltrated two nights before) were engulfed in flames, a spectacle that was a news story worldwide.  The cause was unknown.

Oct. 30, 2015
All players were present, though David and Karen were attending remotely.

The van was approaching a Knight Errant roadblock, but Kryptek was able to spoof a fake transponder for the van that made it appear as a cleared security vehicle.  It passed the KE officers as they were exiting their cars.

A bit later, though, the van’s sensors picked up a rotor drone following us.  Kryptek confirmed it had orders to make a positive ID on our van.  She was able to send it some fake instructions to return to wherever it came from, and we hastily left the area.

We got to Gumball’s well-to-do condo building, meeting Agave there.  Kryptek faked passcodes for us and handled the security cameras to hide our entry.  We got into, took a bunch of running gear, and left again.

That evening, Canoti hired an investigator (Paul’s new character, actually) to find out what the connection was between the rocket attack and the Colton Towers fire.  We don’t know if MCT was trying to kill us for revenge for the tower infiltration, or if the attackers were trying to kill our Mr. Johnson, or if the last run and this run are somehow connected, or whether the tower fire and the missile attack are unconnected (although the Seattle news is linking them both as terror attacks.)

Bingo is pretty upset.  Gumball was a good friend.  Just the previous night they had been at a nightclub together, and Gumball and he had discussed the possibility of Bingo setting up a medicine lodge at his condo.  Bingo is sad, and pretty ticked off.  Anyone who seems culpable in the bloody missile attack that killed Gumball (and at least 20 bystanders) will be a target for Bingo’s magical wrath.

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