Thursday, April 30, 2015

D&D game notes from 2001

An early draft of the background on Ensley Keep and nearby Venswort Hill.  Details changed some, but the basics remained: Ensley Keep was long-abandoned. Nearby Venswort Hill had an ancient dungeon ruin within it.  On the lowest level of the dungeon was a long-forgotten magic portal that opened up to a matching portal in a far-away land controlled by the evil empire of Memgaria.  The Memgarians found the matching gateway and came through it; explored the ruins; decided it would be an efficient way to launch an invasion of Caldos; made contact with the local Duke, Duke Bucknell of Rookvale (who was already an evil guy set against the Queen of Caldos), and put him in their employ; then got some powerful ogres and set them up as guardians of Venswort Hill's ruins until they could bring their invasion plans to fruition.

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