Thursday, April 30, 2015

D&D game notes from September 2001

(9-2-01) On the first game night, the party explored Ensley Keep.  On the way their, goblins ambushed them with a pit trap in the trail.  Exploring the keep, the party destroyed a yellow musk creeper.

Inside the keep is where Darg picked up an iron fire grate; he carried it with him as a part of his equipment for a very long time, and used it various way, including, sometimes, as a fire grate.

(9-29-01)  The party, leaving the area and crossing the River Ibiar at the ford, is attacked by an ogre.  This was a difficult combat:  both dwarves in the party, Rak and Uta, were taken down with single hits.  I think they were aided by Sheriff Melcam, a ranger from the nearby village of Ravencall, who was a good guy who was suspicious of Duke Bucknell and had been keeping an eye on the area near the keep.

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